1 min read
12 May

This Sunday morning in Ottawa, it is overcast with a misty type rain.  But in my heart it is sunny and warm and full of liove for all my children, their children and theirs, down four generations.  How fortunate I am, as matriarch, to have a blended family of beautiful people, both on the inside as well as out, everyone of whom I am so proud and love so deeply.  

I think of each one today, including the two who have left us...Michael, 40 years ago and so young, so wise beyond his 29 years...and Don, who left us with memories of his sharp wit, his faults and his triumphs, but especially his humour, over his 87, sometimes turbulent, years.  

 It is also time, after a year, to reflect on where this blog is going.  Why I started it to describe a nomadic lifestyle, its ups and downs and what I learned from it. The last few months it has meandered to becoming more of a diary and perhaps less interesting to a broader range of readers than simply my friends.  

This has given me pause to think it may be time to take a step back and describe more of what I have learned over my nomadic year... of what one needs to consider before taking that huge, life-changing step, especially if any of you may be considering doing something the same.  Or perhaps it's time to close this blog.  I would appreciate any of your thoughts on this.

This morning, Dee and I are taking a day trip to an interesting small town on the Rideau waterway an hour and a bit from Orleans.   The Rideau is a waterway Don and I loved in our powerboating years.  We visited Merrickville several times on our road trips to Ottawa but I haven't been in many years.  Today will be a little of walking down memory lane, and more of spending a a rare Mother's Day with my youngest child on this, my 69th Mother's Day.   

Happy Mothers' Day tio you all ... I hope all mothers have a wonderful day with their chi8ldren, both young or old.

 My mother, aged 21, 1933

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